Internal Anti-Human Trafficking
In Kathmandu and Kaski Districts of Nepal, the organisation implements an Anti-human trafficking project that addresses the vulnerabilities faced by youth working in the Adult Entertainment Sector (AES). This sector, which includes dance bars, concert halls, cabin restaurants, massage parlours, and “Khaja ghar,” exposes young individuals to significant risks of physical, mental, and financial abuse, as well as human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Adolescents and youth employed in this thriving sector are particularly susceptible to these dangers.
Our organization is committed to promoting psychosocial and economic independence for these individuals while advocating against injustice. We operate Safe Homes (Transit Homes) that provide both short-term (less than a month) and long-term (up to 9 months) residential services for those in need. Our Safe Homes in Kathmandu and Pokhara are equipped to support adolescents and young women who are survivors or at risk of trafficking and labour exploitation.
Aim of the Project
The overall goal of the project is to prevent or reduce the trafficking of women and children and to reintegrate victims of sexual exploitation into society.
The specific objectives of the project include:
- Coordinating efforts with local government and stakeholders to prevent human trafficking and sexual exploitation in adult entertainment industries.
- Enhancing self-esteem, self-reliance, community awareness, and collective advocacy.
Measures to be Supported
The measures and activities to be implemented include:
Increased Protection, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration of Vulnerable Girls:
- Providing shelter for girls in the entertainment sector.
Improved Self-Esteem and Self-Reliance of Youth:
- Offering job-oriented training.
- Promoting economic empowerment through self-help groups and cooperatives.
- Providing psychosocial services.
Community Awareness and Preparedness:
- Conducting community awareness campaigns.
- Strengthening awareness and youth advocacy networks.
- Engaging in advocacy and networking initiatives.
Our organization remains dedicated to combating human trafficking and ensuring a safer, more empowered future for the youth in these vulnerable sectors.